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Élèves travaillent sur un ordinateur en salle de classe
High-level training in artificial intelligence

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Maitriser la complexité

Our programs

Centrale Marseille trains general engineers at a high scientific level, bearers of values, able to manage complexity, capable of integration and synthesis, creativity and innovation, benefiting from an international culture and able to undertake, share, communicate and drive.

Concours Universitaire
Grande Ecole program

École Centrale Engineering

Chimie TP
Research training


Institut Fresnel
Research training


Mastères Spécialisés Cybersécurité
Expert training

Mastère Spécialisé®

Jeune gens
Vocational training

Continuing education

Key figures

100 %

work-study students

45 %

double degree students


international partner universities


professors and researchers

I am a (future)


and I am looking for high-level training
Forum entreprises
I am a


and I am looking for my talents for tomorrow
chercheur fresnel
I am a


and I am looking for an environment of international level excellence

Upcoming events

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Centrale Méditerranée and International

With 94 partner establishments and 60 double degrees, Centrale Méditerranée gives a leading role to the openness and influence of its training internationally.

Whether through an academic or industrial internship, a double degree or mobility in a partner establishment or even a gap year, all our engineering students achieve mobility abroad of at least one semester.

Our establishment is active within 3 networks (T.I.M.E, Magalhaes, RMEIM).

elève en australie

Our relations and partnerships with businesses


Attract your talents

Be in direct contact with our students through numerous types of meetings and meetings throughout their studies.
Propose internship offers, professional contracts, projects and participate in business forums...

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Train your teams

Centrale Méditerranée Executive Education develops short inter- and intra-company training courses and designs tailor-made training courses adapted to the needs of organizations, backed by the expertise of our teacher-researchers and our alumni networks.
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Picto recherche

Cooperate with researchers

Centrale Méditerranée is at the heart of a set of scientific partnerships which enable many types of collaborations.

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Research at Centrale Méditerranée

Research is at the center of the School’s strategy. Centrale Méditerranée shares with the CNRS and Aix-Marseille University laboratories and research units of an international scientific level.

Research policy Partner laboratories Open science


Etudiante experience acoustique

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