Joint Masters with AMU
Together with the universities on the Aix-Marseille site, the school is jointly accredited to award master’s degrees.
The École's engineering students can follow a master’s course in parallel with their third year, for which organizational agreements have been signed.

Research education
The École's teaching staff are heavily involved in the design and organisation of these research courses.
As a result, special coordination of courses and timetables has been established, enabling engineering students to enrol and follow certain Masters specialities during their third year of engineering studies.
Joint Masters
Economics major (AMU, EHESS, Centrale Méditerranée)
Contact at Centrale Méditerranée: Renaud Bourlès
Chemistry major
Contact: Damien Herault
- Chemical Analysis and Spectroscopy (ACS)
- Organic Synthesis and Green Chemistry (SOCV)
- Chemistry for Life (CV)
Process and Bio-Process Engineering major
Contact: Pierrette Guichardon
Signal and image processing major
Contact: Salah Bourennane
- Biomedical signals and images (SIBIOM)
- Physical Signal Image Interactions (IPSI)
- Images, Models and Vision (IMOVI)
Computer Science major
Contact : François Brucker, Thierry Artières, Pascal Préa
- IT Reliability and Security
- Software Development Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics
- Geometry and Computer Graphics
- Data Science and Engineering
Mathematics and applications major
Contact : Magali Tournus
- Preparation for the agrégation degree in mathematics
- Didactics of mathematics
- Fundamental mathematics
- Applied mathematics, scientific calculation, partial differential equations, probability, statistics
- Computer science and discrete mathematics
Applied Mathematics, statistics major
Contact: Christophe Pouet
- Mathematical Engineering and Actuarial Sciences
- Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences
- Analyse des populations
- Data Science (DS)
Mechanical engineering major
Contacts : Daniel Mazzoni, Stéphane Bourgeois, Cédric Maury
- Aéronautics et transport (AT)
- Fluids and solids
- Waves, Acoustics, Vibrations, Engineering and Sound (WAVES) [Erasmus Mundus Master Waves]
Mechanical engineering major
Contact : Stéphane Bourgeois
Physics major
Contact : Laurent Gallais
STAPS specialisation: Engineering and Ergonomics of Physical Activities
Contact : Jean-Marie Rossi
Tuition fees
- EU students: €243 / reduced rate €159
- Non-EU students: €3770 / reduced rate €2513
The tuition fees for the academic year 2023/2024 have been determined in line with the directive issued on 19 April 2019 regarding the fees charged by public institutions of higher education under the jurisdiction of the Minister for Higher Education.