Disability support

Ensuring good course attendance
Curricular adjustments
Changes to the curriculum (such as lengthening or dividing) can be implemented after consulting with the course leaders. Permissions to be excused from attending certain classes can only be granted in accordance with the assessment procedures.
Deadlines for submitting assignments can be extended.
Taking notes and/or photocopying lectures
The institution will present a prize for notetaking to a student in the same academic year and enrolled in the same unit of education as the disabled student.
Additionally, it is possible to have photocopy cards reimbursed.
Technical assistance
You may be authorized to utilize a school-provided laptop computer with specialized software.
Alternatively, you may be permitted to use your own Braille pad, pending verification by the relevant IT departments.
Teaching support and attendance
Teaching support
Tutoring aid (tuition) can be provided by a student or by a student at a higher level.
Grants are subject to the decision of the grants committee.
Secretarial assistance
If you are unable to write by hand, you can be supported by a secretary who will write under your dictation.
The secretary, whose level is equal to or higher than that of the diploma in question, is recruited by the training department. You will write in a private room.
Personal assistance
For all assistance not directly related to studies and examinations:
- Special transport ;
- help with everyday tasks, etc.
Students should contact the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) of the Bouches du Rhône.
Adapted Crous accommodation offer
The Aix-Marseille Crous offers accommodation in university residences adapted to people with disabilities, easily accessible and specially equipped.
There are 192 adapted accommodations spread across 23 residences in Aix-Marseille:
- 121 accommodations in Aix-en-Provence;
- 8 accomodations on the St. Charles Campus;
- 39 accommodations on the Timone;
- 19 accommodations in Luminy;
- 5 accommodations in the Étoile sector (St. Jérôme).
If you would like to find out more, you can contact the Crous Aix-Marseille Avignon housing disability referent by email: referent.handicap@crous-aix-marseille.fr
To consult the Crous accommodation offer, you can connect to their platform:

People with disabilities can have their tests adapted.
To do so, they must :
- Make a request when they register ;
- submit a medical certificate issued by an approved doctor justifying the need for special arrangements.
Every year, the Ministry of Higher Education recruits people with disabilities, who can become permanent staff without having to sit a competitive examination if their application is accepted by the recruitment committee.
The contract is for a period of one year, and after its completion, an interview is conducted with a group of evaluators.
A person is given a permanent position if they have showcased their expertise during this trial period.
Candidates must :
- Belong to certain categories of beneficiaries of the employment obligation.
- Not be civil servants (the contractual recruitment method is not open to beneficiaries of the employment obligation (BOE) who are already civil servants).
- Have a disability that is compatible with their duties
- Meet the same diploma or equivalence conditions as those required for external competitions.
There are two ways for disabled people to enter the civil service:
- Open competitive examinations ;
- contractual recruitment.
Exam accommodations
In accordance with the law of 11 February 2005, it is possible to adjust examinations.
Students must comply with the application deadlines, which can be obtained from the disability advisor : referent-handicap@centrale-med.fr
Adapting exam subjects
- Examination papers can be enlarged for visually impaired students.
- For visually impaired students, examination papers can be provided in Braille.
- For deaf students, oral papers can be converted into written papers or French sign language interpreting can be provided.
Campus map
To help you to get around, you can ask for campus map by email to: referent-handicap@centrale-med.fr