Discovering the world of business and professionalisation
Chaque élève bénéficie d’un accompagnement personnalisé qui lui permet d’arrêter des choix éclairés.

Support each student
For many years, Centrale Méditerranée has forged close links with the French and international entrepreneurial and industrial fabric. These partnerships offer engineering students training that meets the needs of businesses as closely as possible.
Each student builds their professional project throughout their training course.
From the second year onwards, our students have access to a choice of thematic modules and elective menus, and in the third year to a choice of thematic options and career paths. These options and career paths that have been revisited in recent years to respond to environmental, social, and societal issues, in direct line with the sustainable development goals described by the UN (SDGs).
These different paths are made possible by an individualized approach, with the aim of quality professional integration and the development of each person.
Every year, our graduates enter a wide range of sectors, including energy, the automotive, aeronautics and naval industries, design offices, financial and banking institutions, digital services, construction and public works, in a wide variety of positions.
This diversity is one of the most visible manifestations of the personalised nature of the curriculum and the truly general nature of the degree.
For the class of 2020, 21.4% of young graduates are working on CSR-related assignments, and 9% of engineers go on to do a PhD after their degree.
The median gross salary with bonus for the 2020 class was €38,000 and that with bonuses was €40,000.
The École's alumni association, AIECM, housed within the establishment, also mobilises its network for various actions and promotes meetings between students and graduates.
Student sponsorship set up in 2015 has evolved to sponsor all new students by an active central engineer from Marseille and, preferably, active in each student's preferred sector of activity.
In this way, the École, its corporate partners, its alumni and the École Foundation join forces to train, innovate, adapt, transform, and share to co-build the future.
A decisive dimension of the personalisation of profiles is therefore knowledge of the company. The Ecole's Student-Business Relations centre supports and monitors the integration of students.
An entire team is committed to connecting students with the socio-economic world.
Job entry in figures
40 k €
median gross salary / year
99 %
of graduates working 6 months after graduation
12 %
in contracts abroad
Work placements
Our teaching method, based on Centralian skills, fully includes work placements.
Internship periods provide privileged moments of exchange with the economic world, both in France and internationally.
- The 1st year work placement is an introduction to professional life. The aim is to discover the company.
- The 2nd year work placement allows students to work as assistant engineers. It applies the theoretical knowledge acquired in class, while developing management, organisation, and team leadership skills.
- The Master thesis, in the 3rd and thus final year, is a real 360° engineering assignment in industry or research.
Work-study program
The work-study program from the first year offers immersion in one of the École's partner companies, after signing an apprenticeship contract.
Our extensive partnerships enable us to gather a wide range of opportunities. During the first trimester, the student who chooses a work-study program in a company benefits from a tuition waver and a salary which will increase over three years.
Under the guidance of a business mentor, students gain valuable professional experience, giving them a significant advantage in the job market after graduation. By following the alternating schedule, all students can fully engage in the activities of their class.
Entrepreneurship path
The entrepreneurship work-study program is dedicated to those who wish to develop an innovative and/or start-up project. It allows you to fully invest in pursuing an idea, in an environment conducive to innovation and business creation, under agreement with the École and an entrepreneurship tutor.
A space has been completely renovated and fitted out to accommodate our work-study entrepreneurs. This pre-incubator – “Le Deck” - has several work areas:
- Creativity room ;
- offices ;
- open space ;
- access to an inspiring outdoor space, with a view of the Étoile Massif.
The space will soon be directly linked to the Marseille Creativity Centre and its Learning Lab.

Léonor Manent
Directrice du développement et des relations entreprises