L'AnTenne : listening and prevention system

Visits from the social worker, educational support, prevention, listening and guidance.

All the support services available to Centrale Méditerranée students at the AnTenne.


L'AnTenne is a listening and prevention centre available to all Centrale students in need of educational support, advice, and guidance.


  • Plot 2 on the middle floor ;
  • Member staff and teachers are identifiable by yellow buttons visible at the entrance to their offices.


  • A partnership for priority medical-psychological appointments at an approved practice in the city centre. Appointments can be made by email or through Doctolib.
  • Face-to-face interviews by psychologists covered by Centrale Méditerranée.
  • A preventive group consisting of faculty and students who have received training to receive confidential feedback and to guide individuals to the appropriate resources if necessary.
  • Information and prevention sessions run by professionals (legal, social, etc.) for students and staff are organised on a regular basis. 
  • Access  to documentation.


  • On campus
  • The members of l'AnTenne can be contacted by email or phone. (cf. Contents: "Contact us")


  • Sur site : identifiés grâce au macaron jaune à l'entrée des bureaux des membres.
  • By email or telephone by searching for a member (list in the following section) in the ENT directory.
  • Via Messenger on the Facebook page.

A 5-step approach

L'AnTenne system is composed of five pillars, addressing the prevention and management of all forms of discrimination, harassment, and violence, particularly of a sexist or sexual nature.

Because everyone has the right to evolve daily in a safe and fulfilling environment, Centrale Méditerranée has established this system to provide optimal conditions for all members of its community to progress in their studies under the best possible circumstances.

Élèves en train de patienter

Groupe de prévention

L’École met en place un groupe de prévention constitué d’une part du personnel enseignant et administratif en lien dans leur quotidien avec les élèves et, d’autre part, d’élèves représentants élus des instances et associations de l’École.

Ce groupe est régulièrement formé à la détection, l’écoute et l’orientation des élèves.

La liste des membres est accessible aux élèves et personnels de l'école en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous :

Contact us

How can I proceed with it? 

  • Get in touch or schedule a meeting with your social services assistant.
  • The CROUS therapist is regularly available on site and can be reached for an appointment through mesrdv.etudiant.gouv.fr

Reporting a situation

The report has the option to remain anonymous, however, in such a case, it will not be feasible to follow up on it as your information will not be accessible


Prévenir Agir Soutenir_sept 2022.pdf
(PDF 782.62 KB)

Sign up to the newsletter

And keep yourself informed of what concerns you based on your profile