Doctoral schools
The various laboratories associated with the CNRS are widely recognized at the highest scientific level in France and internationally.

Training through research
Graduate engineers with a research master's degree can engage in an individual research project lasting approximately 3 years to obtain a PhD.
Currently, the school has over thirty teacher-researchers who are eligible to supervise research and mentor more than fifty doctoral candidates, who conduct their theses in the partner laboratories of the school and in collaboration with the doctoral schools.
Doctoral schools and PhDs
Six doctoral schools on the Aix-Marseille site directly concern our school and its teaching staff.
Centrale Méditerranée is co-accredited for the following doctoral schools:
- ED 184: Mathematics and Computer Science
- ED 250: Chemical Sciences
- ED 352: Physics and Material Sciences
- ED 353: Engineering Sciences: Mechanics, Physics, Micro and Nano-electronics
Centrale Méditerranée is associated with the following doctoral schools:
The doctoral schools offer high-level scientific guidance for future PhD candidates, as well as preparation for their professional integration.
The doctoral school is responsible for monitoring the professional progress of PhD candidates.
Doctoral Charter
The doctoral charter constitutes an ethical agreement between the PhD candidate, his/her supervisor, the director of the doctoral school, and the head of the hosting laboratory (or team).
It serves as a guarantee of excellence by outlining the rights and responsibilities of each party.
The preparation of a PhD should be part of a personal and professional plan with clearly defined objectives and resources. This agreement aims to fulfil that purpose, willingly entered into by all parties involved.
The Centrale Méditerranée charter →
Valorization of the PhD
All theses are catalogued in the database of French university libraries (SUDOC).
The doctoral candidate collaborates with the school's documentation centre to register the electronic thesis and arrange its dissemination in accordance with the granted authorizations.
To learn more, please refer to Depositing your PhD →.