Prevention and support in Centrale: a 5-step approach
To achieve this, we have implemented a comprehensive 5-pillar program designed to prevent and address all forms of discrimination, harassment, and violence, including sexual misconduct.
We believe that everyone deserves to feel safe and valued at school. By establishing this program, Centrale Méditerranée is taking proactive steps to create a campus where our entire community can thrive.

1."Prevention is better than cure"
Training-based prevention
Violence and discrimination prevention at Centrale Méditerranée is built around a series of actions aimed at informing, raising awareness, and training the entire Centrale community. In a climate of transparency and trust, the School aims to:
- Inform about the classification of acts of physical or psychological violence.
- Promote a culture of respect and equality.
- Deter inappropriate behavior.
- Combat sexist and sexual violence (SSV) systematically throughout the student's academic journey.
Adherence to the Cpas1option charter, thematic poster campaigns, dedicated class time for the construction of gender and stereotypes, or awareness-raising workshops with the association "Plus belle la nuit", "Sortie d’amphi", etc., represent commitments that have been made to achieve these objectives.
Training, in all its forms, of staff and students on psychosocial risks and sexist behavior is at the heart of the prevention approach.
Charters, governance, and appointment of an equality officer
At the organizational level, Centrale Méditerranée has established clear charters and governance policies to frame and support prevention efforts. The appointment of an equality officer ensures that the principles of non-discrimination and respect are integrated into all institutional practices.
2. Support and its various facets
Listening is provided by an internal network called "L'AnTenne", composed of a mixed group of people (staff and students) trained in listening and support by individuals who are themselves trained in practice analysis.
The members of "L'AnTenne", in contact with students, are able to both detect distress situations and identify potential needs by making themselves known within the school through daily contact with the community and information sessions.
This network offers continuous, coordinated support tailored to the specific needs of victims. "L'AnTenne" acts as a convergence point for presenting the initiatives and concerns of associations and school services, ensuring that beneficiaries receive caring and supportive care.
Centrale Méditerranée is committed to providing legal support and guidance.
This support is expressed through administrative assistance in legal proceedings, the provision of information on rights and procedures, and referral to specialized legal services so that victims receive all the necessary assistance.
Medical and psychological support is a priority to ensure the well-being of those concerned.
The school has established partnerships with experienced healthcare professionals to offer medical and psychological support accessible to all members of the community.
These include:
- The social worker of the CROUS;
- The Apsytude telephone support platform.
- Students can also make priority appointments with the COSEM medical practice by contacting: santeetudiant@centrale-med.fr!
3. Protecting those involved
Those involved are supported, guided, and protected as needed.
In this context, any appropriate measure may be taken to ensure the safety of students who need it, such as: modifying class schedules, changing work groups, or temporarily distancing the alleged perpetrator.
The goal is to guarantee a safe and conducive environment for study and work, during the disciplinary proceedings and until judgment.
These decisions are the exclusive responsibility of the head of the institution, thus ensuring the safety and health of all members of the Centrale community.

4. 🚨 How to report?
Reporting system
Centrale Méditerranée's reporting system allows any person who has witnessed or been a victim of violence, discrimination, or harassment to make a confidential report.
Reports can be made by email to signalement@centrale-med.fr or via an online form, guaranteeing anonymity.
The reporting unit, composed of qualified members, examines each case diligently and offers interviews to inform victims of their rights and the possible follow-up procedures.
Obligation to report a crime or offense
In the case of a crime or offense, any person working in a public institution is required to report the facts to the public prosecutor in accordance with Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
This obligation aims to ensure that all serious offenses are dealt with appropriately by the competent authorities, thus ensuring the protection of victims and respect for the law.
5. Case investigation and sanctions
Obligation to refer cases to disciplinary bodies for sufficiently substantiated facts
Before investigating cases, the school systematically initiates a preliminary inquiry which makes it possible to define the obligations and recommendations intended for the head of the institution and whether or not, if applicable, to open an administrative inquiry.
As a public institution, the school has a disciplinary sanction system with members trained in listening to witnesses, the accused, and victims.
When a report of violence or discrimination is deemed sufficiently substantiated, Centrale Méditerranée undertakes to refer the matter to the appropriate disciplinary bodies.
This step is crucial to ensure that appropriate disciplinary measures are taken against the alleged perpetrators.
The disciplinary procedure aims to:
- Establish the facts;
- gather the necessary evidence;
- make decisions based on respect for the rights of the defense.
By adopting a rigorous and impartial approach, the school ensures that all forms of violence or discrimination are dealt with exemplarily.

Training future professionals who are responsible and respectful...
...and attentive to the world and its challenges.
As a higher education institution with a significant impact, Centrale Méditerranée is responsible for training young adults who are potentially destined for positions of responsibility and leadership in their future careers.
The school is therefore invested with an educational mission consisting of training future professionals who are concerned about gender equality issues and trained to detect situations of harassment or injustice of any kind.
Given that suicide attempts among young people under 15 have increased by over 300% in 10 years (source), it is clear that it is more than time to integrate the prevention of violence into the priority objectives of all educational institutions. The sooner, the better.
Anonymous reports can be submitted via email to signalement@centrale-med.fr